The more rich purple gems just do not photograph well but the beauty is awesome and the zoning. Once again the hand shots seem to be the best representation of the gem. Photographs do not do remote justice to the beauty of this gem. Remember, quartz (hardness 7) is a component of dust and one of the. This is often referred to as wearability or sometimes 'durability.' An opal with a hardness of 6 will be rapidly covered with fine scratches and lose its polish if worn everyday as a ring stone. No treatment in any way and just a fabulous gem for either a ring or pendant. Gemstone hardness contributes greatly to the degree to which a gem will show wear. The more rich purple gems just do not photograph well but the beauty is awesome and the zoning gives it personality that just adds to the gems beauty. Photographs do not do remote justice to the beauty of this gem.

Today, as the most valued quartz variety, amethyst is in demand for designer pieces and mass-market jewelry alike, and its purple to. It was believed to prevent intoxicationamethystos means not drunk in ancient Greek. This was a 29.7 carat crystal Dana got from his friend in Nigeria in 1999. Amethyst was as expensive as ruby and emerald until the 19th Century, when Brazil’s large deposits were discovered. All indicators of the totally natural material. This one had more zoning with optically clear areas but only noticeable from the pavilion or if you tip the gem a certain way. Amethyst is an extremely soothing stone, and is good for psychic and spiritual development, bereavement and. Nigerian Siberian Color Natural Amethyst 13.19 carat Product Thumbnail Price: $ 340.00 Sale Price: $ 168.00 Gem Id: 9759 Clarity: very slight inclusions Color: Royal Purple with red and blue flashes and zoning Cut: Modified oval brilliant Notes: This gem was cut by Dana last week along with the other Nigerian amethyst.Lydia Dyer, Amethyst Dreamscape gem courtesy of John Dyer & Co. Back to Amethyst and Citrine Natural Quartz Amethyst is a popular gemstone for artistic designer cuts, even in large sizes like this 53.37-carat example.